REVIVE - The Workshop

A refreshing retreat for your tired mind

A psychologist-led virtual session for stressed-out helping professionals.

An invitation for you to put yourself first and receive some of the care and compassion you give to others.

Wednesday 1/11/23 12.30-2pm AEDT

Save Your Spot for AUD $37

Let’s face it, you already know about self-care...

And I think we’re all aware that learning more, or being reminded how important self-care is, is not the solution.

What really makes a difference is giving yourself permission to pause… and allowing your needs to matter too.

Question is: why do so many helping professionals find that so hard to do?

When self-care begins to feel like yet another task on your already overloaded to do list, you don’t need to force it, instead, why not allow someone to take care of you.

If this sounds tempting, I invite you to…

Pause. Tune-In. Revive.

Join this 90-minute immersive group session to nurture your busy mind and revive your innate capacity for ease, vitality and flow.

Together on the call, you will be gently supported to… 

  • Finally, without guilt or interruption, drop fully into your body

  • Notice what automatic and deeply ingrained thoughts and patterns pop up and block you from being able to do this routinely

  • Facilitate new insights about your own coping modes – the ones that get in the way of allowing your needs to matter too

  • Discover how you’re subconsciously suppressing (or even sabotaging) your needs, and borrowing your vitality from your future self

  • Refresh your energy levels by experiencing some of the care you’ve been craving

So that you can start feeling like yourself again

This workshop isn’t about preaching more self-care…

Instead I am going to guide you to embody what it’s like to value, respect and honour yourself so you can intuitively meet your needs in a way that makes a difference

Walk away from this workshop feeling expansive, refreshed, and with a revived sense of what real self-care truly feels like

Creating your inner safe sanctuary to access anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

Before we can truly thrive (and take all the steps that help us do that), we need to first pause and really get a sense of why aren’t we already.

What’s included:

A 90-minute live session via Zoom

Your Revive and Reflect Workbook

Lifetime access to the recording of the guided practices

This workshop is for you…

You’re a dedicated, hard-working helping professional who often puts your clients’ needs above your own (even when you don’t mean to)

The concept of self-care makes you cringe, and you’re tired of being told to “take breaks”

You can’t bear to hear again (and again) about the importance of sleep, diet, and exercise

You like being in ‘good worker’ mode, but realise that this often leads to you to abandoning, neglecting or de-prioritising your own needs at work, leaving you depleted and empty by the time you get home and guilty for not being able to give your family the you they deserve

You want to be able to embody compassion and kindness to yourself at work without having to think about it!

This training isn’t about telling you what more to do in your already busy schedule, rather it’s about helping you to pause, notice and release what is holding you stuck.

Ready to REVIVE?

My passion is figuring out how we can each do this job that we love, without it costing us our health, social connections, and vitality outside of work.

About your guide

I want to shake up the status quo on self-care. The concept has become trite and meh, but the essence of taking care of oneself, by tuning in and paying attention to the emotional load of the job is, without doubt, inherently valuable.

It lights me up when practitioners I work with re-write the rules on how they relate to themselves in the consulting room, when they show up for themselves with compassion and authenticity. My intention is to help caring professionals fine-tune one of their most important tools of the trade – their emotional resonance.